Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

Access game development tutorials and/or helpful tips/tricks.

Animate runtime progress bars with UI Toolkit

Mar 19, 2021

A lot goes into creating an intuitive experience for your player. Progress bars are often used to reassure the player that something is happening (such as the game loading) or give them an idea on how long something will take. In this tutorial, you will learn some techniques for creating and animating progress bars using UI Toolkit and DOTween.

unity c# ui-toolkit ui animation

Create an in-game inventory UI with UI Toolkit

Feb 2, 2021

In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of Unity’s new UI system, called UI Toolkit, by creating an in-game inventory system where your player can drag and drop items to move them around.

unity UI-Toolkit UI-Elements C#

Get started with Behavior Trees

Nov 16, 2020

Write an AI that will pick up all objects in the scene by navigating to random way points. At the end of this tutorial you will have fundamental knowledge of how a behavior tree works and will have created foundational nodes that can be reused in all your future projects.

unity AI artificial-intelligence behavior-trees C#

Implementing touch with Input System's Enhanced Touch API

Jul 5, 2020

User input is a core pillar of an interactive and engaging experience. Once you collect it, it's important you present an experience that feels natural and intuitive to the player. In this tutorial, you'll cover the basics of the new Unity Input System by creating a demo project that can Place a 3D model by dragging it off the User Interface (UI) and dropping it into the world as well as move/zoom the camera.

unity input-system C# ui touch-events enhancedTouch-API

Getting started with Unity

Mar 1, 2020

Learn core concepts such as how to create new projects, navigate the user interface, what assets are and how to import them, scene setup, a brief introduction to the physics engine and more.

unity beginner C# ui physics