Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

Access game development tutorials and/or helpful tips/tricks.

Challenge Solution - Extending the selection logic

Dec 10, 2019

Extend the RTS/RPG “drag-to-select multiple characters” game mechanic by adding additional support for routine player actions. Players will be able to add/remove objects to an existing selection and clear the entire selection with a single button click. This tutorial continues use of the new Unity input system.

challenge-solution unity input-system C# ui mouse-events

How to select multiple objects based on the center of a collider

Oct 26, 2019

Learn how to create an RTS/RPG “drag-to-select multiple characters” game mechanic without using raycasts to detect collisions. Instead, we’ll use the center point of the collider’s bounds to detect if it is within the radius of a panel drawn on the UI via the mouse start/end positions. This approach supports perspective camera setups and a can be altered to use any vector3 point.

unity input-system C# ui mouse-events

Listen for the Input System's Action events via C#

Oct 19, 2019

In certain scenarios it may be beneficial to listen for Input System Action callbacks via C#, rather than using the built in Player Input component. This tutorial will walk through writing an `InputManager` script to listen for and route such events. This is a continuation of the How to make a configurable camera with the new Input System tutorial, which covers fundamental knowledge of the Input System.

unity input-system C#

How to make a configurable camera with the new Unity Input System

Oct 17, 2019

Build a configurable camera that handles moving, zooming and rotating. This design works great for games that do not want an attached 3rd or 1st person camera, but instead want freedom to move around a scene. Instead of using the old input system, we’ll be hooking it up to the new one and will review key concepts as we go.

unity input-system C#