Challenge Solution - Extending the selection logic

Mass deselecting all objects

The first part of the challenge that we’ll solve is deselecting all of the objects when the escape button is pushed on the keyboard. This will require a few steps:

  1. Add a new action for the escape key
  2. Create a new method that loops through all of the characters and sets their selected state to false.

Add the action binding

Add the new action binding by opening the PlayerInputMapping file located in the Settings folder of the project files.

  1. Click the + button next to Actions and name it Player_Deselect.
  2. Set the binding path to Escape [Keyboard].
  3. Save the asset.

Add action

Clear selected party members

Create a new ClearAllPartyMembers() method in the PartyManager class. This method will loop through all known characters, which are registered upon creation in the Characters list, and set IsSelected to false.

/// <summary>
/// Clears the entire selection of objects
/// </summary>
private void ClearAllPartyMembers()
    //loop through all characters and set the status to false
    foreach (PlayerDetail character in Characters)
        character.IsSelected = false;

Next, you will need to monitor for the escape button to be pushed and call ClearAllPartyMembers() once it has been. Add the following method in the PartyManager class:

public void EscapeDown_OnClick(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
    //Started phase ensures that we only trigger at the start of the button push
    if (context.phase != InputActionPhase.Started)

    //clear out the members

The final step is to add a new listener to the Awake method of the InputManager class. This listener will call EscapeDown_OnClick when the escape button is pushed.

Add the following code to the end of Awake in the InputManager class:

_input.Player.Player_Deselect.started += PartyManager.EscapeDown_OnClick;